Local Information

Local Information

We've compiled a list of local business that offer products and services you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you don't see what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.


The Sunshine Shop, Inc.
925 Upper Maple Street
Dayville, CT 06241
(860) 774-1662

Lilium Florist
86 Main Street
Dayville, CT 06239
(860) 774-5395

Forever Flowers
729 Norwich Road
Plainfield, CT 06374
(860) 564-1111




Comfort Inn & Suites
16 Tracy Road
Dayville, CT 06241
(860) 779-3200

Quiet Corner Inn
479 Providence Road
Brooklyn, CT 06234
(860) 774-9644




Mercer Monument Works
124 Norwich Road
Plainfield, CT 06374
(860) 564-2469

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